The Islamic History Series Book 3


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The Islamic History Series Book 3

  • #of Pages: 91
  • Book Size: US Letter (8.5 x 11 in / 216 x 279 mm),
  • Book Color: Standard Color 
  • Paperback,
  • Cover: Matte, 
Book Abstract

The Islamic History Series Book Three

In the present time of social decay, raising children is not an easy matter especially because most schools do not prioritize or emphasize proper religious education, culture, and practice in their curriculum. There is no doubt such education is critical to the development and welfare of children supporting their success in this life and the hereafter.

As a result, The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP) embarked on preparing “The Islamic History Series” for elementary school children as well as for those who are at the beginner level in their Islamic education. Book three introduces children to information about our Master Hud up to the time of our Master Musa ^alayhis-salam. “The Islamic History Series” is meant to help prepare Muslim children to successfully practice their religion in the proper way and help them contribute to building communities based on sound values and strong ethics.